Exploring overhead environments like caves and wrecks is an exciting endeavor. However, squeezing traditional dive equipment into the tight spaces found within these areas can...
The React Right program teaches the skills and concepts required to provide emergency first responder assistance in emergency situations, and fulfills the first aid/CPR requirements...
Diver stress & rescue teaches the skills and concepts required to identify stress, prevent accidents, and properly deal with emergency situations encountered by divers. This...
The Night & Limited Visibility program provides the skills and concepts required to safely and comfortably dive at night or in limited visibility conditions.
The Navigation program provides the skills and concepts required to safely and comfortably navigate underwater during a dive. Learn compass and natural navigation skills and...
The perfect buoyancy program teaches you the skills and concepts required to improve your diving position, increase your buoyancy control, and minimize your breathing gas...
The Sea Turtle Ecology program teaches the skills and concepts required to recognize and identify common species of sea turtles, and explains their role in...
The Fish Identification Ecology program teaches the skills and concepts required to recognize and identify common families of Caribbean, Indo-Pacific, and Red Sea reef fish.
The Coral Identification Ecology program teaches the skills and concepts required to recognize and identify common families of coral species, and explains their role in...
The Science of Diving program provides an in-depth and detailed study of physics, physiology, decompression theory, the aquatic environment and diving equipment.
The Cavern Diving program provides the knowledge and experience required to independently plan and conduct cavern penetration dives within the light zone at depths shallower...
The extended range nitrox program provides the knowledge and experience required to independently plan and conduct limited decompression dives to a maximum depth of 40...
Boats allow you the opportunity to explore spectacular dive sites far from shore. This program covers the additional knowledge you need to make your first...
ENRICHED AIR NITROX contains optional dives and therefore it is a perfect "Winter Specialty" before your diving holiday starts. This will allow you to go...